The production of forks and spoons can be differentiated on the basis of their primary purpose:
lista forks and spoons for hotels, restaurants, catering and cafeterias
lista forks and spoons for bars, pubs and clubs
lista forks and spoons for the home and household use.

3V Venosta makes different series of forks and spoons for different types of use. There are series for hotels, restaurants and catering, series for the home and household use and, lastly, forks and spoons dedicated to clubs, pubs and bars.

3V Venosta's series for hotels, restaurants, catering and large franchises consist of forks and spoons designed for ceremonies, fine hotels and restaurants, hotel chains and catering businesses. These forks and spoons employ thicker materials and a finish that conveys elegance and quality to the cutlery. 3V Venosta also makes several lines of forks and spoons designed specifically for use in the cafeterias of schools, businesses and hospitals.

The 3V Venosta series for bars, pubs and clubs include forks and spoons specifically designed to satisfy the needs of bars, ice-cream parlors and clubs. 3V Venosta makes a wide variety of forks and spoons designed to meet the needs of the cafeteria sector and provides for the possibility of customization as well.

The 3V Venosta series for the home and household settings consist of forks and spoons designed for every kind of need.

Customized cutlery is a distinguished sign of elegance and refinement that strengthens the brand and maximizes on communicative expression.